
So Much beer and Soccer, man.

Hailing from the West Texas town of El Paso, brothers Adrian and Sebastian Aguirre have called Chicago their home for over 15 years. Growing up on the Mexican-American border, the privilege of indulging in the month long mayhem that is the World Cup every four years between the two cultures decidedly left its mark on them…and only got worse.

Now with a combined 30 years experience in the restaurant and beer industries, they brew locally in Pilsen/Heart of Chicago. After years of experimenting and perfecting their craft, they are premiering their seasonal, classic style beers to the public in 2021.

our true mission.

Our goal with this venture is to ultimately create a home for beer and soccer enthusiasts much like ourselves. We have been and will be working diligently to open a soccer specific brewpub for the Chicago community, and with the support of friends, family and you, we look forward to opening our doors soon. Cheers!